燙傷急救靈藥 - 蛋白
燙 傷急救靈藥 - 蛋 白 A simple but effective way to treat burns with the help of egg white. This method is used in the training of firemen. 簡 單有效的處理燙傷治療中要利用"蛋白"這是消防人員培訓中用到的方法 When sustaining a burn, regardless the degree, the first aid is always placing the injured part under running cold water till the heat subsides. And next spread the egg white over the injury. 遇 到燙傷,不管有多嚴重,第一要務就是將患處浸在流動的冷水中,直到熱感消失為止。接著把蛋 白塗在患處。 Someone burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. Despite the pain she held her hand under running water, then took two eggs, parted the yolk from the egg white and slightly beat the egg white and put her hand in it. Her hand was so badly burned that the egg white dried and formed a white film. Later she heard that the egg is a natural collagen. 有 人遭滾水燙傷大塊手肉,她不顧疼痛,握住受傷的手,置患處在流動的冷水之中。熱感退卻後, 取出兩顆蛋,分開蛋黃,把蛋白略微打散。把患處浸在蛋白中。她的手燙得想當嚴重,連蛋白都 熱亁成一層白的薄膜包住患處。後來她才聽說蛋裏有天然膠原蛋白。 And during the next hour layer upon layer, she administered a white layer on her hand. That afternoon she didn't feel any more pain and the next day there hardly was a red mark to see. She thought she would have an awful scar but to her astonishment after ten days there was no sign of the burn, the skin had it's normal colour again! 其 後的一個鐘頭,一層又一層的蛋白疊在患處,那個下午她不再覺得患處有疼痛的感覺,隔天患處 只有不太明顯的紅色印記。她原以為會留下可怕的疤痕,沒想到,十天之後,患處沒有一點傷 痕,皮膚也恢復原來的色澤 The burned area had been totally regenerated thanks to the collagen, in reality a placenta full of vitamins. 感 謝膠原蛋白富有的胎盤素和維生素使患處得以完全重生 This advice can be useful for everyone. Please circulate it to our friends and relatives 以 上資訊對大家都有用,請轉告您的親朋好友。 |
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